You’re Making an Impact. What’s Your Legacy?

During our time together, we will explore the following questions:

  • Do you know the impact of every decision you make?
  • Why do we most often have a “knee-jerk-reaction” versus a “response” to people and stimuli around us?
  • How can we live more consciously?
  • How can the crisis confronting us be used as a force for transformation?
  • What is the key to living a more conscious life?

About Michele:

Michele RisaMichele Risa, MA is a Certified Conscious Business Agent, Mindfulness Expert, Wellness Practitioner, Speaker and Co-Author of “Conscious Entrepreneurs- A Radical New Approach to Purpose, Passion & Profit.” Her daily practice of heart coherence reflects her intention: to walk her highest path, facilitate heart-centered choices and contribute to the Earth’s and humanity’s highest potential. Her passion is for business to become the most powerful force for creating a world where ALL of us can THRIVE.

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