It’s time to face the fear about your finances. In this interview with Kevin Ellman, we’ll discuss women’s 3 primary fears about their financial future and how to overcome them. Studies show that women take more time to research investments as well as seek advice before making thoughtful and informed decisions. Yet they often approach decisions with uncertainty. Kevin will share tips on how to save, grow and preserve your wealth from his upcoming book, Wealth Book for Women. You won’t want to miss this enlightening interview.
If you would like to pre-order Kevin’s book, visit www.wealthbookforwomen.com.
About Kevin Ellman:

As CEO of Wealth Preservation Solutions for Women, Kevin oversees asset management for private wealth clients. He has provided financial planning services to families and business owners for over 24 years. A regular speaker at public and private events, he has also appeared as a financial commentator on CNBC (Morning Call, Portfolio Make-Over, Make Your Money Work, Power Lunch), and on ABC, and has been quoted in Businessweek, CBS Market Watch, Fortune Magazine and The Wall Street Journal. Kevin is also author of the upcoming book, The Wealth Book for Women.
Prior to entering the business of financial planning, Kevin was the Executive Vice President of Beefsteak Charlies, a 70 unit restaurant chain. Early in his career, Kevin was a professional drummer, who toured and recorded with major stars such as: Bette Midler, Barry Manilow, Richie Havens, Todd Rundgren & Utopia, Chuck Berry, Laura Branigan, Felix Cavaliere and Gene Cornish of The Young Rascals, Mary Travers, and Manhattan Transfer.