Workweek Lunch

savvy ladies webinarsHere’s what you’ll learn from this webinar

  • Quick overview of the concept of meal prep: batch cooking meals to eat all week to avoid cooking every day or resorting to takeout.
  • How it helps save money: when you meal prep, you’re using up whole ingredients and stretching each ingredient’s worth across multiple meals. I saved over $250/mo when I started prepping and now only spend $280/month on groceries for 2 adults in NYC.
  • Common mistakes that have us spending more on food and how to fix them: 1) buying ingredients that end up getting tossed at the end of the week (this is why meal planning is key) 2) accidentally buying items you already have (we have to shop our pantry and freezer first!) and 3) not shopping smart (avoid brand names and buy generic, certain foods are better to buy in bulk and not buying organic isn’t the end of the world)
  • Making meal prep work for you: I’ll share meal prep tips and tricks, like recreating your favorite restaurant meals, focusing on meals that freeze well or strategically choosing what meals to prep based on what you normally buy at takeout places (breakfast and lunch are most common).
  • Where to start: I’ll encourage the viewers to take action by choosing one or two meals to prep and suggest my favorite affordable meal prep containers on Amazon.

About Talia:

Talia KorenTalia Koren is the Founder of Workweek Lunch, an online resource for all things meal prep that reaches over 300k people per month. Talia helps people all over the world master meal prepping to save time, cut down on food costs and eat healthy. In June 2018, she launched the WWL Meal Prep Program, a digital meal plan subscription that has grown to well over 1,000 members as of December 2018.

Talia used to help entrepreneurs and businesses grow organically on Instagram but closed her consulting service in January 2019. Her experience comes from growing her Instagram following organically to 200k in 2 years. She spent most of 2018 living in Silverthorne, Colorado (her dream location) so she could snowboard as much as possible. It was a BLAST.

Her obsessions include cooking, peanut M&Ms, Shake Shack, bullet points, snowboarding, road trips, puzzles, Instagram and planning awesome vacations.

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