What are you Worth? How to Communicate Your Value


Are you asking for a raise? Are you undervaluing your time as a freelancer or entrepreneur? In this webinar, you’ll learn tools and techniques to speak with conviction and confidence in conversations about money. Harness the power of presence and learn how to speak with confidence when communicating your worth. Takeaways:

  • Articulate your message

  • Diffuse nerves

  • Identify unconscious behaviors

  • Improve vocal command

  • Build physical presence

  • Speak with clarity and confidence

About Leah:

Leah Bonvissuto

Leah Bonvissuto is a Communication Coach + Founder of PresentVoices, a company that helps individuals and teams communicate consciously and be powerfully present when speaking. An award-winning theater director, Leah is passionate about helping women speak with conviction and without apology. She pulls from the worlds of theater, mindfulness and movement to help people feel confident and in control of their communication. She has worked with leaders and teams at LinkedIn, Morgan Stanley, AIG and Bank of America. Contact Leah at Leah@PresentVoices.co.

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