Savvy Strategies Stress Relief While Working From Home


If your work life and home life boundaries weren’t already blurred, they’re really fuzzy now. Focus is failing, more multi-tasking, creativity is crashing, and it’s only 10 am on Monday. If you’re feeling some of the #WFH pressure and stress, then this webinar is for you!

For many of us working from home is a new experience and we have no blueprint to follow. How can we do our work with all these interruptions, distractions, and zoom calls? Learn what you can do to immediately boost your productivity, increase your creativity and add some calm to your day.

Holland Haiis will help us decompress from all the digital by sharing the #1 tip to quickly boost creativity. Then she’ll give us a technique to help quiet the monkey mind and get you back on track to tackle your next project feeling powerful and confident. You’ll also master how to set your day for success.

Give yourself a gift by attending this webinar filled with tools and techniques that you can immediately implement to make a difference in your day.

About Holland:

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Holland Haiis is the country’s leading expert on creating greater human connection in the digital age. Dubbed the Digital Detox and Human Connection Expert by the media, and often called upon for her expertise, Holland is shifting the way we engage as leaders.

Holland made global headlines with her well-received book Consciously Connecting – A Simple Process to Reconnect in a Disconnected World and was named one of 100 Global Thought Leaders along with Suze Orman, Deepak Chopra, and Gabby Bernstein.

As a speaker, author, and executive coach Holland has served those in the finance, healthcare, hospitality, insurance and construction industries for the last 25 years by helping them leverage their greatest assets – people, time and opportunities.

With a background in behavioral psychology, theater and business, Holland teaches the latest in brain science, behavior and mindset. She shares insights as to what human behaviors impact our ability to increase our creativity, productivity, performance, and most importantly relationship ROI. Holland inspires audiences to take action with easy, implementable tools and techniques.

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