An enlightening talk designed to help women recognize their current relationship to money and identify the subtle, self-sabotaging ways we limit ourselves. We’ll learn new strategies and practices on how to create a healthier mindset around money and invite abundance into our lives.
Discover how to:
Uncover your money story and beliefs about money
Tackle your money blocks
Valuing your work
Shift from Lack to Abundance mindset
About Ariane Hunter:

Ariane brings 10 years of professional experience in the areas of marketing, research & analysis, visual arts, and entrepreneurship. Her career path includes working through the ranks of corporate America to becoming a full time artist and now career coach. She heads up the initiative Project #SheWentForHerDreams that mobilizes and empowers women through real conversations about discovering and building their dreams. Ariane’s philosophy as a career coach is driven from the inside out. She firmly believes that self-awareness, mindset, passion, and purpose are the necessary ingredients to lasting success in one’s career and personal life.