What Every Woman Must Know About Social Security in 2017


Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced, women depend on Social Security more than men – and they typically get less in benefits. Sometimes less received in benefits is because of a lower earnings record; other times it’s because women claim their benefits without being fully aware of all that’s available to them. In this webinar, Robin Brewton of Social Security Solutions, Inc. will focus on helping women understand the benefits they might qualify for, how to determine the factors that impact benefit payments, and how to get the most in Social Security retirement benefits. Included in her discussion will be:

  • Why women get less

  • Retirement risks for women and why Social Security strategy matters

  • Special considerations for women who are:

    • Married

    • Single

    • Divorced

    • Widowed

    • How to get the most in benefits, regardless of your marital status

    • What every woman needs to know before she claims benefits

About Robin:

Robin Brewton is Vice President of Client Services at Social Security Solutions, Inc. and manages the client advice process as well as advisor education, marketing, communications and public relations. Robin has been with Social Security Solutions, Inc. since its inception and speaks regularly to consumer, employee, civic, and professional groups about Social Security. In addition, she conducts seminars for financial professionals to improve the quality of their advice related to Social Security. Robin has a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education and a Master of Arts Degree in Communication Studies, both from Texas Tech University, and she holds a Series 65 license. Robin held leadership roles at Cox Communications, Wells Fargo and Time Warner prior to joining Social Security Solutions. She is active in the Kansas City community with Harvesters Community Food Network, the American Cancer Society and Mission Southside.

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