What’s in Your 401(k)?

There are many choices available today to diversify your 401(k) retirement account: index funds, mutual funds, target date funds, and more. A frequent question for investors is: “What are the best options for the most growth?” Understanding your asset allocation is an important part of your 401(k) investment strategy. Join Natalie Colley, CFP®, to get the basics and better understand what’s in your portfolio.

  • Review the types of asset classes and investing options
  • Learn how to match your investing goals to investment choices
  • Understand what’s the best allocation strategy for you
  • Discover what Morningstar is and how best to use this rating tool

About Natalie:

Natalie ColleyNatalie is an Analyst at Francis Financial and supports clients with financial planning and portfolio strategy. She received a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). After 7 years as an engineer in the pharmaceutical industry, she decided to follow her passion for personal finance and changed careers, joining Francis Financial four years ago, and earning her Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®) designation in 2017. Natalie has been featured in various press outlets such as Financial Planning, Daily Finance, Grow from Acorns, Mass Mutual, Real Simple Magazine, and U.S. News & World Report. In her free time, Natalie enjoys running with friends and leading financial fitness workshops for the Financial Planning Association of New York.

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