The Savvy Guide to Coupons

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA

Think coupons spell cheap and cheesy? So did I, until a couple of weeks ago the woman in front of me in line at the grocery store used a whopping sixteen of them, saving over thirty dollars. This, with hardly any effort! I just had to ask for her best coupon shopping advice.

If you have yet to try this way of saving, or if you’d like to get more out of your clippings, read on!

  1. The Internet is not just for shopping and email – it’s for saving as well. Check out sites such as,, and
  2. Your Sunday paper, too, can be a wonderful resource. Allocate a compartment in your purse or wallet to this purpose, clip, and save!
  3. Many stores have fliers with coupons at the entrance. If this is true for yours, don’t miss out on this golden opportunity. You can combine these savings with the ones already in your purse. I now check the flyer at Whole Foods every time we shop. We save a minimum of $10 on every grocery visit.
  4. If you can’t find coupons for the brand you like, try giving the company a call. Many companies are happy to send valued customer coupons – you just have to ask.

I am taking the first, staggering steps toward becoming a coupon customer, using them mainly for restaurants and travel. What about you?

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