You may have a leadership title, or tremendous leadership potential, but that alone won’t bless you with leadership presence. Instead, your presence depends entirely on how others evaluate you. Looking like — and being perceived as — a leader, when you interact with customers, peers, and executives, is the essence of leadership presence.
Since your leadership presence depends wholly on the impression you make, enhancing this presence demands a deep understanding of the impact of your appearance, your body language, your emotional state, and how well you to communicate key messages.
Women face unique challenges when it comes to being perceived as leaders. Some may even add to such challenges by buying into to the Imposter Syndrome, sending nonverbal signals that make them look less than they are, or waiting silently for others to recognize and reward their achievements.
The Power of Presence for Women Who Lead arms existing and emerging female leaders with tips and strategies to take control of the impression they make, and to build and refine impact and influence skills — so they’re seen as the leaders they authentically are.
About Carol:

In person or virtually, Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D. is a captivating presenter who helps executives, team leaders and sales professionals strengthen communication skills to powerfully influence and impact others.
A sought-after international speaker and seminar leader, Carol has delighted audiences at business events across 32 countries with her informative, interactive, and dynamic style.
Carol is the author of 13 books, including her latest: STAND OUT: How to Build Your Leadership Presence. She’s a leadership contributor for Forbes and the creator of LinkedIn Learning’s best-selling video course, Body Language for Leaders. She has served as an adjunct faculty member at John F. Kennedy University in the International MBA program, in the University of California Executive Education Department, and for the Chamber of Commerce of the U.S. at their Institutes for Organization Management; she’s also a current faculty member for the Institute for Management Studies in the United States and Excellence Squared in Canada and Europe.
Before her work in the business world, Carol was a therapist in private practice, a nightclub performer, and a majorette for the 49ers football team – but not in that order.