The Equifax Breach and What to do

Equifax, one of the three major consumer credit reporting agencies, recently revealed that hackers had gained access to company data that potentially compromised sensitive information for 143 million American consumers, including Social Security numbers, addresses, names, driver’s license numbers, and credit card numbers (THAT’S NEARLY HALF THE US POPULATION).

The three main credit bureaus, Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian, maintain reports on when consumers attempt to obtain a credit card, car or even a mortgage loan, their payment history, and the amount of available credit. Some companies use one or all three of these companies when consumers seek a credit card, mortgage or other loans.

Since the personal information was stolen, along with 209,000 credit card numbers, the breach will increase the opportunity for identity theft to occur.


Review the Federal Trade Commission’s website on the breach HERE

Equifax has set up its own program to help people find out if they were one of the millions affected by the hack. It requires a multi-step process that takes place over the course of at least one week.

Equifax will advise if it’s likely your information was hacked and then it’s your responsibility to register to get Trusted ID Premier, which provides the following security

  1. 3 Bureau Credit File Monitoring

  2. Equifax Credit Report

  3. 1MM Identity theft Insurance

  4. Social Security number scanning

The service is free for 1 year and you will not be required to provide a credit card number to be charged after the year is complete.

Equifax has an updates page at

Equifax will not be contacting individuals to notify them about the data breach. Check-in with your loved ones to ensure that they are also aware and protected

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