Solving the Shared Expense Challenge for Co-Parents


Shared parenting expenses are messy and emotional. Learn how a simple to use technology provides an inexpensive solution to managing necessary expenses for your children with your co-parent. Track expenses/payments, document in a central location, and save time. 

About Ana:

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Ana Angeles wears many hats, but the most important one is that of a mother of an amazing 7 year old little boy. She is also an avid user of DComply.

About Gabrielle:

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Gabrielle Hartley, Esq., is a leading online mediator and family law attorney known for keeping 99% of her cases at the settlement table.  After clerking for Justice Jeffrey Sunshine in NYS Supreme Court, matrimonial part, she opened a private practice serving clients online, in MA and NYS.  Gabrielle authored Better Apart; The Radically Positive Way to Separate (Harper Collins 2019). She is a sought after expert in the positive divorce space in media outlets such as The New York Times, The New York Post, U.S. News and World Report, has been interviewed on dozens of podcasts and is a regular guest on NBC Mass Appeal.  Gabrielle serves on many committees within the ABA Dispute Resolution Section including serving as Vice Chair of Membership Marketing,  co-chair of the ABA Mediation Access to Justice Week 2020, and co-chair of the DR Just Resolutions Mediation Edition.  She is also on the Western MA Mediation and Collaborative Dispute Resolution Steering Committee.  Gabrielle trains divorce professionals in the Better Apart Method Online.  In addition to offering training for professionals, she maintains a private mediation practice and is of counsel to Lisa Zeiderman’s law firm in Westchester and NYC. Learn more about Gabrielle and her services at

About Marco:

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Marco is a divorced father that ended his marriage in 2005. From 2011-2016, Marco and his ex-wife relitigated his divorce over “phantom expenses” that his former claimed in order to dramatically increase child support. The experience taught him that family courts are ill equipped to adjudicate these decisions. Divorced parents bring their own stories to court and judges don’t have the time or tools to sort through the financial transaction detail to make completely fact-based decisions. Marco realized that there is no reason that there shouldn’t be a digital fingerprint of two co-parents’ financial relationship. This compelled him to lean into his experience leading sales operations teams and selling financial accounting software to design DComply to be that single source of financial truth post-divorce. In addition to founding DComply with his wife Giovanna, Marco is a Regional Vice President with Oracle and has a 20+ years of experience in tech sales, sales operations and leadership. He has a BA from Boston University and his MBA from the Johnson School at Cornell University.

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