Small Business Survival: Avoid These 7 Money Behaviors

Small businesses fail every day. Don’t let one of them be yours!


You will learn:

  • 2 most common reasons businesses fail

  • The 7 money behaviors that affect them

  • How to avoid or manage them


About Carrie Rattle:

Carrie Rattle

Carrie is a North American money behavior specialist. She is a veteran executive from financial services with banking and credit card experience in 2 countries, and brokerage in 6. Carrie’s behavioral experience spans both individuals and business clients, and she has personally worked in both Fortune 100 companies and small businesses. Carrie is now Founder & CEO of Behavioral Cents because the finance industry has told people what they “should do” with their money for 30 years, and has largely failed. Her passion is helping smart women professionals & entrepreneurs build money confidence by getting control of their cash and changing behaviors that subconsciously sabotage those efforts. Her greatest success is when clients leave with the ability to save and make successful money decisions with pride.

Visit Carrie’s website at

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