Serving on a Corporate Board: Uncover if It’s for You & Where to Start


The journey to the boardroom can, at times, be an overwhelming undertaking filled with questions about what to expect, how to prepare, and how to be an effective board member. During this session with Women in the Boardroom CEO & Founder Sheila Ronning, you will get answers to burning boardroom questions, including:

• What are the four main types of boards? • What is the job & responsibilities of a board director? • What are the risks of serving on a board? • Why pursue board service? • What is the time commitment & compensation for board service?

About Sheila Ronning:

Sheila Ronning cropped

In 2002, long before women on boards was a hot topic, Sheila Ronning believed in women’s ability to serve on corporate boards strongly enough to become the founder & CEO of Women in the Boardroom. Today, as one of the nation’s top leadership and board service experts, Sheila excels at connecting influential women executives and professionals with the people and tools they need to succeed in business and the boardroom. She has built a strong track record over the years and a powerful network, which she uses to help women achieve their goals. When asked her secret to networking, Sheila says, “Be fearless, sincere, honest, and frank.” Sheila is a regular speaker on topics ranging from women on boards to excelling as a female leader. Recent speaking engagements include L’Oreal, Time Warner, Thomson Reuters, LPL Financial and NewsCorp. She has also been featured in several publications including The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Huffington Post and ForbesWoman.

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