Rethinking Retirement: Preparing for Your Second Act


Retirement isn’t what it used to be – thank goodness! Today’s retirees are using their freedom to pursue new careers, experience the world and even pursue new interests. That’s great, but it takes planning. You need to take charge of your retirement and ensure you’ll have the income you need to chase your dreams. See how to do that, and how an annuity can help.


  1. Why financial planning is especially important for women.

  2. How to take control of your retirement plan and make it happen.

  3. Understand how lifetime income can help.

About Melissa:


Melissa Kivett is chief marketing and customer experience officer for Prudential’s Individual Solutions Group (ISG). She is a member of the ISG, Individual Life Insurance and Annuities Senior Leadership Teams, responsible for creating relevancy and adoption of the unique financial solutions that meet protection and income needs of Americans. Kivett represents Prudential as a founding member of the Alliance for Lifetime Income, a groundbreaking non-profit, whose mission is to educate and grow the number of protected households in America. Previously, she was the chief strategy and marketing & customer experience officer for Annuities, where the new strategy she led, drove double digit growth and holistically aligned the strategy with business operations and key capabilities in marketing, customer experience, communications and business intelligence.

Prior to joining Prudential, Kivett was responsible for building the strategy, and driving growth and innovation as the senior vice president of business development and strategy at Assurant, with responsibility for business strategy, innovation, consumer research and analytics. Her team developed new businesses, launched new products, funded innovative growth and invested in start-ups globally. Kivett was also a member of Assurant’s Board of Directors in Europe and the Assurant Leadership Committee.

Throughout her 20-plus year career, Kivett has held diverse global roles. These include taking a Fortune 500 company public, launching a global financial services brand, building an investor relations team, and leading during the 2008 financial crisis. She is a published innovator whose work has been recognized by Innovation Leader magazine and the Corporate Executive Board. Her work to build a strategic investor relations function received recognition as a best practice from the Insurance Advisory Board. Institutional Investor magazine recognized her work for being one of the most shareholder friendly teams in the financial services sector.

Kivett received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Massachusetts and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia Business School. She is a member of the Financial Woman’s Association, Columbia Women in Business and previously served on the Advisory Council for the Investor Relations Roundtable and New York Stock Exchange Advisory Group. Kivett has coached and developed leaders for Assurant’s leadership development programs and continues to be a coach for the 92Y’s Women in Power Fellowship program.

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