Polish your online image: Professional styling tips to shine online


Is your personal style conveying the best impression of your value and expertise? Is your online image attracting ideal opportunities and connections?

Showing up on zoom for interviews, presentations, and video conferencing can be even more confronting than in person. There are slightly different rules for what to wear “on zoom” than in real life.

During this informative webinar, Tania Sterl will show you how to choose clothes and colors that will boost your mood, create a productive mindset, and continue to present yourself online in the best light to convey trust, connect and build your audience, and attract ideal clients and opportunities to you.

  • Why it is important to present your best self online that expresses your value and expertise.

  • The do’s and don’ts of “camera-ready” style from color to accessories to avoid mistakes and false impressions.

  • How to choose clothing, colors, and accessories that will positively lift your mindset to convey a confident image online.

About Tania:

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Tania Sterl, founder of Sterl on Style, is a Personal Stylist, Fashion Expert, Speaker, and published writer. Tania combines her 18 years’ experience as a fashion designer with her intuitive approach to style, curating looks that embody a woman’s unique personal brand. From streamlining wardrobes to personal shopping, to styling women for TV and photoshoots, to corporate training and seminars, Tania helps women invest in their image to elevate their careers, getting women dressed and ready to be seen as the experts they truly are.

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