The Mojo Matrix: 5 Crucial Keys to Bust Your Bull and Blaze Your Way to More Clients and Cash


You’re a business owner struggling to get more profit. Or, perhaps you’re doing ok, but you know you could be doing better. The problem is, you’ve tried those “magic marketing formulas” that seem to work for everyone else, except you. You’ve posted on social media, paid someone else to do it for you, but that isn’t getting you clients. You’ve written a blog, you’re writing a book, you’re developing programs, you’re networking…..and all you’ve learned is that you need more sleep. By the way, how is it possible that you’re getting so few clients when you’re working so hard?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could remove the obstacles to getting more clients, AND have time to see your friends and get to the gym? What if just a few simple tweaks in your strategy could be the difference in getting you more clients, more profit, and more sleep, right now?

If doubling your profit sounds like something you’d like to do, then you need to attend “The Mojo Matrix: 5 Crucial Keys to Bust Through the Bull and Blaze Your Way to More Clients and Cash” – a workshop where you will learn how to think about marketing your business more creatively, AND how to bust through the biggest obstacles standing in your way of doubling or tripling your profit this year.

About Heather Markel:

Heather Markel

Heather, CPC, ACC, has over 20 years marketing, sales and customer service experience with Fortune 500 companies. She is a former board member of the ICF’s New York chapter and has over 10 years of experience running small businesses. She is the current President of BRG1 for The Manhattan Chamber of Commerce. She is Founder of The Expat Coach Association and Directory.

Heather is a New York native who lived on a farm in France as a teenager which led to her obsession with languages (she speaks 6) and love of cows. In her spare time, Heather volunteers as a Big Apple Greeter, and is a board member and player on La Boule New Yorkaise – a French Petanque league.

Heather is the Founder of BullBuster Business Coaching where she helps hard-working business owners sick of struggling to accomplish the results they want, to double their profit with a marketing strategy aligned to their goals and their personality.

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