I Lost My Job – What About Health Insurance?

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA

I received an email from a Savvy Ladies member today; a heartbreaking tale of how she had been laid off, and was now trying to figure out how to survive – and feed her two small children, as she is a single mom. One of the expenses she worried about was medical. I think any parent can relate to this: with children around, unless you have the proper insurance coverage, medical expenses tend to run the gamut. For those of you in the process of losing your jobs, here’s how to keep this aspect of your finances under control.

First of all, if you are still employed, make the most out of your insurance plan while you have it. Get all your routine checkups out of the way. If you use medications, take out as much as your insurance provider will allow. If you have been putting off procedures, now’s the time to have them done.

Once you do lose your job, know that you have options. Under COBRA rules, in most cases, your company must allow you to keep your insurance coverage for eighteen months, as long as you pay the full premium. While this is great news indeed, there is one drawback. The full premium can be quite a bit higher than the monthly payment you are used to, depending on your insurance plan and how much your employer has been contributing. Do your research – shop around, and request other quotes. You may be able to find a cheaper deal on your own, especially if you are eligible for a state run insurance program.

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