How to Get Time on Your Side


Everyone is always saying, “If only I had the time to do ________.” However, we do have 24 hours minus the sleep time we so desperately need to make sure we are taking. So why are we unable to fit in the things we want to get done and even those things that we know we need to get done. Giving ourselves permission and re-evaluating the things we spend time on is so important especially if the to do list only continues to grow and nothing gets crossed off. So many times it’s just a simple shift that is needed.

During the How to Get Time On Your Side webinar we will discuss the following:

  • What are our limiting beliefs around time?
  • The 7 energetic viewpoints or perspectives on how we view time
  • Creating goals and strategies that are aligned with the right tactics
  • Giving yourself permission to understand what is realistic in a 24 hour period
  • Clearing out the clutter – its more than just what you own
  • How to manage procrastination
  • Setting Boundaries
  • Managing External & Internal distractions
  • Learning the 7 levels of balance

About Jodi:

Jodi Grinwald

Jodi Grinwald is a professional leadership and personal development coach, non-profit consultant, speaker, writer and community builder. Her background is quite diverse having worked in both the corporate and non-profit sectors. After working as a non-profit executive for 11 years, Jodi decided to take her experience from leading and coaching teams to becoming a Certified Professional Coach as well as an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner. In doing so, she now helps employees of multiple companies to effectively connect to the mission of their organizations, coaching executives and leaders to create synergy within their teams, helps organizations collaborate and create the business and culture that they are striving for and provides development and sales trainings. As a certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner Jodi is trained to provide a attitudinal assessment, debrief, and provide clients with the Energy Leadership Development System, a 12 segment program that helps you formulate a plan of action to break through all obstacles to your success, while building important skills, tools and abilities for leading, as well as for living. For individual clients Jodi also helps them through life transitions and connecting to their true life’s purpose. Jodi is a freelance writer for Eydis magazine, Co-Chair of the New Jersey Business & Industry Women’s Leadership Committee, is a Continuing Professional Education Instructor and provides webinars, lunch and learns and workshops to companies and organizations on a multitude of topics including: Time Management, Effective Communication, Moving up the Corporate Ladder, Organizational Effectiveness, From Diaper Bag to Briefcase, College Bound – Life After Graduation, and many others.

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