Feeling Stuck? Lose Your Money Baggage and Gain Financial Confidence

Best-selling author of “Lumination: Shining a Light on a Woman’s Journey to Financial Wellness” Heather Ettinger guides you through the steps to get unstuck and see the possibilities for your future. In this session you will learn:

  • How to acknowledge your money history and reframe it to help you design your intentional and abundant future
  • A new framework for thinking about your financial capital and human capital (time and talent)
  • How to move from the “fear zone” to the “confidence zone” with your financial resources
  • Tools and resources to guide you in your journey


This session was originally hosted on August 11, 2021.

About the speaker
A champion for women and girls for over 30 years, Heather Ettinger is widely recognized for her dedication to helping women build their financial acumen and philanthropic legacy, culminating in the founding of Luma Wealth Advisors in 2017. She specializes in helping clients align their resources around their family values to create impact in their communities.

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