Dynamics of Bringing Your Vision into Form…Overcoming Obstacles on the Path


Whenever we are going after our goals and dreams, inner and outer obstacles will arise. In this Wedne$day Wis$dom, we’ll take a close look at the inner obstacles – our thoughts, beliefs, and conclusions – that can get in our way as we begin to bring our visions for 2021 into form. You’ll walk away with tools and techniques for observing your patterns and shifting the focus of your attention so you can continue to make progress toward your goals. If you don’t yet have a vision for 2021, check out the recording of the January 13, 2021 webinar.

Catch Nancy’s webinar, Cultivate Gratitude, Experience Abundance HERE.

About Nancy:

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Nancy Larocca Hedley, PCC, RYT-200

Nancy’s life’s work is to empower people to realize their boldest visions, thrive in their purpose, be valued for their unique gifts, and contribute to the greater good. She is particularly passionate about helping people overcome obstacles that arise when they are following their calling.  Nancy weaves together her experiences as an executive coach, consultant, facilitator, and yoga and meditation teacher to create transformative experiences for those she works with.  You can learn more about Nancy and her work at https://www.illumine-consulting.com/

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