Changing Careers: A How-To Guide

According to a Pew Research Center report, some 53% of employed adults who quit a job in 2021 say they have changed their field of work or occupation at some point in the past year. Do you also find yourself in the Great Reshuffle and feel like it’s time for a career change? Whether you’re looking to boost your income, improve your work-life balance, or have a more fulfilling role, this session is for you! Listen to career coach Amy Geffen, PhD as she walks you through the steps for a successful career transition. In this session you’ll learn:

  • Reasons to change careers
  • Benefits of changing careers
  • 10 steps to a new career
  • 5 step job search process
  • Ways to expand your network
  • How to crack the hidden job market

This session was originally hosted in September 2022.

About the speaker

Amy Geffen, PhD is President and Chief Career Coach of Geffen Careers. She has over thirty years of experience in such industries as finance, engineering, higher education, risk management, health, non-profit organizations and associations.

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