15 (Frugal) Ways to Date Your Mate

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA

Cheap dating ideas from Savvy Ladies Founder Stacy Francis.

Maybe you have a date with that special someone on Valentine’s Day or a romantic dinner with your significant other. Whatever the situation, below are some ideas for a great cheap date with your honey that will save you lots of cash without skimping on the romance.

Get top tips on 15 ways to date and save money, but keep the romance.

  • Eat a simple, nutritious dinner at home, and then go out for a truly decadent dessert.

  • Pick wildflowers together.

  • Go for a bike ride, hike, or run together.

  • Pack a picnic lunch and go to the park or the zoo.

  • Take a class together in something fun and creative: glass blowing, pottery, drawing, creative writing, or photography.

  • Browse in a bookstore together.

  • Attend a local high school or college sports game.

  • Take a road trip to a nearby town or even another neighborhood in your own city. Stroll around, talk with locals, and have a drink at a local café.

  • Read aloud to each other from a favorite novel, poem or short story.

  • Attend a theater performance by your local college or community group.

  • Go to a flea market or garage sale.

  • Attend a local lecture on a subject of interest to both of you.

  • Send the kids out to someone else’s house and stay in and cook together.

  • Visit a museum on a free or pay-what-you-wish day.

  • Have a water balloon fight in the park. Or play on the swings.

You might also want to check out NYC on the cheap and healthy.

It is also smart to budget so you can invest and build your future wealth.

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